Friday, 21 June 2019

Yoga..a therapy is it?!

International Yoga Day 2019!

The day commences with the chant of 'om';
Sitting inside the so called "yoga dome";
I was told to do the elemental surya namaskar;
God!It needed more flexibility than a flower.
Yoga for fitness and yoga for peace;
In a closed room or out in the open breeze;
It had been just 2-3 aasans that I'd done;
They turned out to be disastrous instead of fun!
I saw myriad people sitting in groups;
All coming from different places and troops;
They gathered together at a 'famous public place';
Trying to be within media's coverage space.
At first I found it weird;
Yoga,as a thing, that people cheered;
But now that it has become a tradition;
To deny it,I'm not in a position.
Meditate,Laugh ,relax and slay;
"Happy international yoga day" ,is what they say. 

- Ishita